What Does the Texas Instruments BQ28Z610 Device Function "12.2.19 AltManufacturerAccess() 0x0028 Lifetime Data Reset" Do?

It only writes the following Data Flash values:

0x4280: (I2) [Lifetimes / Voltage / Cell 1 Max Voltage] = 0
0x4282: (I2) [Lifetimes / Voltage / Cell 2 Max Voltage] = 0
0x4284: (I2) [Lifetimes / Current / Max Charge Current] = 0
0x4286: (I2) [Lifetimes / Current / Max Discharge Current] = 0
0x4288: (I1) [Lifetimes / Temperature / Max Temp Cell] = -128
0x4289: (I1) [Lifetimes / Temperature / Min Temp Cell] = 127

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