doxygen multiline return

doxygen multiline return
doxygen multiline return
  @brief 12.2.37 AltManufacturerAccess() 0x0071 DAStatus1

  @returns 32 bytes of data on MACData() in the following format:
  @returns aaAAbbBBccCCddDDeeEEffFFggGGhhHHiiIIjjJJkkKKllLLmmMMnnNNooOOppPP
  - AAaa: Cell Voltage 1
  - BBbb: Cell Voltage 2
  - CCcc:
  - DDdd:
  - EEee: BAT Voltage. Voltage at the VC2 (BAT) terminal
  - FFff: PACK Voltage
  - GGgg: Cell Current 1. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage1 measurement
  - HHhh: Cell Current 2. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage2 measurement
  - IIii:
  - JJjj:
  - KKkk: Cell Power 1. Calculated using Cell Voltage1 and Cell Current 1 data
  - LLll: Cell Power 2. Calculated using Cell Voltage2 and Cell Current 2 data
  - MMmm:
  - NNnn:
  - OOoo: Power calculated by Voltage() × Current()
  - PPpp: Average Power. Calculated by Voltage() × AverageCurrent()

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Desperate Housewives Susan's Art s05 e16