doxygen multiline return

doxygen multiline return
doxygen multiline return
  @brief 12.2.37 AltManufacturerAccess() 0x0071 DAStatus1

  @returns 32 bytes of data on MACData() in the following format:
  @returns aaAAbbBBccCCddDDeeEEffFFggGGhhHHiiIIjjJJkkKKllLLmmMMnnNNooOOppPP
  - AAaa: Cell Voltage 1
  - BBbb: Cell Voltage 2
  - CCcc:
  - DDdd:
  - EEee: BAT Voltage. Voltage at the VC2 (BAT) terminal
  - FFff: PACK Voltage
  - GGgg: Cell Current 1. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage1 measurement
  - HHhh: Cell Current 2. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage2 measurement
  - IIii:
  - JJjj:
  - KKkk: Cell Power 1. Calculated using Cell Voltage1 and Cell Current 1 data
  - LLll: Cell Power 2. Calculated using Cell Voltage2 and Cell Current 2 data
  - MMmm:
  - NNnn:
  - OOoo: Power calculated by Voltage() × Current()
  - PPpp: Average Power. Calculated by Voltage() × AverageCurrent()

Calibrating a Thermistor for Arduino Projects

We will need:

  • Thermistor itself, NTC, 10kOhm.
  • Resistor, 10kOhm
  • Arduino
  • A reference thermometer, the readings from which are surely correct.

Gas Gauging Device BQ28Z610 Learning Cycle: Practical Guide

There are standard instructions on the internet about how to perform a learning cycle, but in this article, I will explain how to practically perform a learning cycle in a real case for the used Device and why it may fail.

The data I have collected during this journey is attached via the link at the end of the article.

Disclaimer: The author of this article has no affiliation with Texas Instruments. This article is written for the purpose of personal and independent research by the author. It may contain mistakes and subjective judgments made by the author. The author disclaims any responsibility for the consequences of using the information provided in the article. The materials of the article are distributed as-is. Each person who uses the materials in practice assumes full responsibility for the consequences thereof.

Let's take the used Gas Gauging Device BQ28Z610 and connect some new batteries to it.

BQ28Z610 Stop Battery Charging at a Specific Percentage


In this article I'll show you how to configure Texas Instruments Gas Gauging Device BQ28Z610 to stop charging at 60% SOC and resume at 55%.

This feature can be useful when your device is mostly connected to the power supply, causing the batteries to remain almost always fully charged, which negatively affects their lifespan. To extend the life of the batteries, it is much better to maintain a constant charge level at around 60%. You might have seen similar recommendations on your laptops.

Як працює кварцевий резонатор

Припустимо, що ми маємо кварцевий резонатор та мікросхему годинника. Резонатор підключається до двох виводів мікросхеми. Питання у тому: які сигнали подає мікросхема та на який/і вивод/и, як виникають коливання та як мікросхема зчитує їх.

Налаштування кварцевого резонатора для модуля реального часу (RTC) або електронного годинника

Якщо ваш електронний годинник, або модуль реального часу (RTC) занадто спішить, або відстає, ви можете під'єднати паралельно до кварцевого резонатора два конденсатори послідовно: постійний та змінний (підстроювальний) з номінальними ємностями порядка двадцяти пікофарад:

doxygen multiline return

doxygen multiline return /** @brief 12.2.37 AltManufacturerAccess() 0x0071 DAStatus1 @returns 32 bytes of data on MACData() in the fo...